Vision, Mission & Values

As rural communities are most vulnerable in relation to natural hazards and misguided management of natural resources, ANRICA was given the task of supporting governments in their efforts to manage the impact of climate change on rural areas by providing know-how and expertise, as well as some basic funding.

Austria developed a new and modern Forest Programme in an open stakeholder process back in 2009, after which a strong international commitment to sustainable development of rural areas and multifunctional forestry was demanded.

Forest inventory and monitoring – as a form of forest information and data collection – is one of the main pillars of forest governance defined by the Austrian programme of sustainable forest management along with legal framework, effective institutions, sources of funding, and public participation in forest management.

Geoelectric survey in Suriname:

ANRICA is proud to announce the new capability in operating geoelectric surveys

Details can be found > here

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Multipurpose Landscape Assessment

On 28th of October we are organizing a Seminar at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Science (BOKU).

[… register here]

Erfolgreicher Abschluss des Projektes SINCA

National Forest Inventories

There is a cost-efficient but highly reliable and accurate way to do national forest assessments.

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IPCC-compliant GHG Reporting

Singapore is implementing a MRV System for the LULUCF sector

See how we support that.

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Who we are…

ANRICA was founded back in 2009

by considerable Austrian Governmental institutions and privately held companies to join forces in international cooperation on climate change and rural development and is supported

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